Práctica y económica presentación para su AOVE de uso diario en la cocina. Es nuestro PICUAL virgen extra con la misma calidad de la botella de cristal, pero más económico.
Sagardo ozpin ontzea sagardo ozpinarekin eta landareetako osagaiekin egiten da, boilurra adibidez, prozesu fisikoen bidez ontziratuta. Produktu esklusiboa da, oso aromatikoa boilur beltzaren zapore paregabearekin, perfektua egiten duena eta ahosabairik zorrotzena liluratzen duena, ehundura ezin hobea duena eta boilur beltzaren usain eta zapore oso atseginarekin, edozein motatako ontzeko oso goxoa egiten duena. platera, batez ere entsaladak, barazki gordinak eta barazki egosiak, arrautzak, haragi marinatuak eta ehiza arina, karpaccioa, haragia, espagetiak, pateak, gaztak, postreak,
Sagardo ozpin ontzea sagardo ozpinarekin eta landareetako osagaiekin egiten da, boilurra adibidez, prozesu fisikoen bidez ontziratuta. Produktu esklusiboa da, oso aromatikoa boilur beltzaren zapore paregabearekin, perfektua egiten duena eta ahosabairik zorrotzena liluratzen duena, ehundura ezin hobea duena eta boilur beltzaren usain eta zapore oso atseginarekin, edozein motatako ontzeko oso goxoa egiten duena. platera, batez ere entsaladak, barazki gordinak eta barazki egosiak, arrautzak, haragi marinatuak eta ehiza arina, karpaccioa, haragia, espagetiak, pateak, gaztak, postreak,
AOVE seleccionado especialmente para chefs y cocina de alta gama. Aceite de oliva virgen extra ecológico de calidad superior, obtenido de aceitunas seleccionadas y cultivadas en olivares propios bajo prácticas sostenibles y sin pesticidas. El proceso de extracción en frío permite conservar al máximo las propiedades organolépticas del aceite, preservando su intenso sabor afrutado y beneficios para la salud. Perfecto para ensaladas, salsas y como toque final en platos gourmet, su perfil único lo convierte en una elección esencial para consumidores conscientes de la salud y el medio ambiente.
Ozpin baltsamikoaren ongailua ozpin baltsamikoarekin eta boilur usainarekin egiten da, prozesu fisikoen bidez ontziratuta. Gainera, osasunerako onuragarriak diren propietate antioxidatzaileak eskaintzen dituen oliba zukua dauka. Produktu esklusiboa da, oso aromatikoa boilur beltzaren zapore paregabearekin, perfektua egiten duena eta ahosabairik zorrotzenak liluratzen dituena, kontserbatzailerik sartu gabe, ehundura ezin hobea duena eta boilur beltzaren usain eta zapore oso atsegina duena, oso gosegarria egiten duena. edozein plater mota janzteko, batez ere entsaladak, barazki gordinak eta barazki egosiak
Sagardo ozpin ontzea sagardo ozpinarekin eta landareetako osagaiekin egiten da, boilurra adibidez, prozesu fisikoen bidez ontziratuta. Produktu esklusiboa da, oso aromatikoa boilur beltzaren zapore paregabearekin, perfektua egiten duena eta ahosabairik zorrotzena liluratzen duena, ehundura ezin hobea duena eta boilur beltzaren usain eta zapore oso atseginarekin, edozein motatako ontzeko oso goxoa egiten duena. platera, batez ere entsaladak, barazki gordinak eta barazki egosiak, arrautzak, haragi marinatuak eta ehiza arina, karpaccioa, haragia, espagetiak, pateak, gaztak, postreak,
¡La primera base líquida mate de Delfy Cosmetics!
¡Creado exclusivamente por Delfy Cosmetics! Esta fórmula ligera y edificable Unifica el tono de la piel al instante, dejándola en perfectas condiciones como el efecto "Photo Filter".
Cobertura media a completa, fácil de suavizar, acabado totalmente mate, que dura horas, incluso en climas cálidos.
Su formulación líquida nos permite aplicar el producto no solo en el rostro, sino en el cuello y zona del escote, cubriendo las manchas y el tono irregular.
Su envase de gran volumen (100 ml) fue especialmente creado para aquellas que aman no solo el maquillaje del rostro, sino también la zona del cuello y el escote. También se puede utilizar en las extremidades.
También es muy cómodo y económico para maquilladores profesionales.
Ideal para usar en caso de Pieles Mixtas y Grasas.
Volumen: 100ml
Haurtzaroan oliba-olio birjina estraren onurak agerikoak dira, batez ere, gure bizitzako oinarrizko etapa nagusirako. “Haurren” olio birjina estra txikientzat bereziki garatu da. Hasierako heltze fasean arbequina barietateko olibaekin bakarrik egina, heldutasun-egoerarik handiena lortu gabe, usain eta zapore guztiak bere horretan mantentzeko, olioari zapore leuna eta fruta freskoaren usainak ematen dizkio. Bere zaporea oso atsegina da haurrentzat, azidotasun baxuagatik (< 0,2º) ezin hobea da, eta digestio onaren alde egiten du. Goi mailako oliba arbequinatik lortzen da zuzenean, eta mekanikoki garai egokian bilduta. prozedurak eta hotzeko artezketa. Iragazi gabe eta dekantatze prozesu natural zaindu baten bidez, zapore leun eta fruitutsua lortzen da, eta horrek kolesterola prebenitzen laguntzen du, eta olio birjinetan dauden antioxidatzaile naturalak mantentzen ditu. Olio aproposa da porridge, pure,... gehitzeko eta modu honetan dieta mediterraneoaren onurak zure lehen errezetetan sartzeko.
El condimento de vinagre balsámico, está elaborado con vinagre balsámico y aroma de trufa, envasado por procesos físicos. Contiene también jugo de oliva que aporta propriedades antioxidantes beneficiosas para la salud. Es un producto exclusivo, muy aromático con el sabor único de la trufa negra que lo hace perfecto y cautiva a los paladares más exigentes, sin incorporar conservantes
Con una textura perfecta y un olor y sabor a trufa negra muy agradable, lo que la hace muy apetecible para aderezar cualquier tipo de plato, especialmente ensaladas, verduras crudas y verduras cocidas
Aceite de oliva virgen extra 100% ecológico, elaborado sin aditivos ni pesticidas. Ideal para chefs y aficionados de la cocina gourmet. Con un perfil de sabor robusto, este AOVE mejora cualquier receta, desde marinados y adobos hasta platos terminados. Cultivado bajo estrictas normas ecológicas y extraído en frío para preservar sus cualidades naturales, este aceite ofrece un balance perfecto entre sabor y salud, ideal para restaurantes y cocinas profesionales que valoran la autenticidad y la calidad.
Base de maquillaje superventas n1 especialmente diseñada para pieles sensibles y alérgicas. La fórmula, que contiene ingredientes hipoalergénicos, garantiza su máxima seguridad. Además, tiene una cobertura completamente natural, no se asienta en los poros y las arrugas.
La base de maquillaje Delfy Foundation es una base de maquillaje con doble cobertura, es de larga duración y además es resistente al agua. Es muy fácil de aplicar y cubre y suaviza todas las imperfecciones de la piel de una manera muy natural.
Modo de empleo: preparar previamente la piel. Para obtener resultados ideales, se recomienda utilizar Delfy Super Primer, que hidrata profundamente la piel. Aplica una fina capa de base con una brocha de maquillaje (por ejemplo, N5, N6 o N12) o una esponja. Si es necesario, agregue a las zonas deseadas.
An innovative product by Delfy Cosmetics! A universal tinted treatment/concealer for the eye contour.
The new concealer with a very light, silky texture, easy to apply, dedicated for daily use.
While hydrating delicate skin, it stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, at the same time it will camouflage the dark circles and small blemishes. It has a very light texture that does not settle into fine wrinkles.
Help to:
Promote skin microcirculation
Reduction of bags (puffiness) under the eyes.
Soften dark circles
Thanks to its excellent coverage, it is possible to hide spots and imperfections arround the eyes.
Main actives:
Fresno Extract - Fraxin is an anti-inflammatory agent that also acts as a Effective antioxidant. It is an excellent tonic for veins, helping to improve the microcirculation.
Niacinamide - Vitamin B3 has anti-inflammatory, properties, deeply hydrates the skin and reinforces the creation of new cells to keep your face free of impurities.
Práctica y económica presentación para su AOVE de uso diario en la cocina. Es nuestro PICUAL virgen extra con la misma calidad de la botella de cristal, pero más económico. Precio con TRANSPORTE INCLUIDO.
Gray Oxide Slate
Pallets: 25m2
Thickness: from 2cm to 3cm
CANU is a leading company in the transformation and marketing of Natural Stone, specializing in the execution of high-level architectural and construction projects. Based in Almería, Spain, we have our own quarry, which allows us to fully manage the process of extraction, selection, and transformation of materials, ensuring quality control at every stage. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability sets us apart, enabling us to offer Natural Stone products that meet the most demanding standards of the global market.
At our plant in Macael, we carry out the selection and treatment of materials such as marble, limestone, sandstone, and travertine, used in cladding, facades, flooring, and outdoor projects. Customization is key to our approach: we manufacture tailor-made products such as countertops, shower trays, and natural stone sinks, which add exclusivity and elegance to each project. Additionally, we offer solutions for landscaping and gardening, including paving stones and masonry, ideal for durable and aesthetically impactful outdoor projects.
Marpa Quartzite
Pallets: 25m2
Thickness: from 2cm to 3cm
CANU is a leading company in the transformation and marketing of Natural Stone, specializing in the execution of high-level architectural and construction projects. Based in Almería, Spain, we have our own quarry, which allows us to fully manage the process of extraction, selection, and transformation of materials, ensuring quality control at every stage. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability sets us apart, enabling us to offer Natural Stone products that meet the most demanding standards of the global market.
At our plant in Macael, we carry out the selection and treatment of materials such as marble, limestone, sandstone, and travertine, used in cladding, facades, flooring, and outdoor projects. Customization is key to our approach: we manufacture tailor-made products such as countertops, shower trays, and natural stone sinks, which add exclusivity and elegance to each project. Additionally, we offer solutions for landscaping and gardening, including paving stones and masonry, ideal for durable and aesthetically impactful outdoor projects.
Alpha-pinene is an organic compound commonly found in nature, especially in essential oils of various plants such as pine, rosemary, and eucalyptus. It comes as a colorless liquid with a fresh, herbal and slightly earthy aroma. This compound is widely used in the perfumery and fragrance industry due to its refreshing and stimulating fragrance, which is often described as reminiscent of fresh forest air. In addition to its use in perfumery, alpha-pinene has applications in the pharmaceutical and personal care industries, where it acts as a flavoring agent and may also have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Its versatility and characteristic aroma make it a valuable ingredient in the formulation of a variety of commercial and consumer products.
CONTAINER:5kg, 25kg and 200kg IBC
Geraniol is a monoterpene alcohol found naturally in several essential oils, such as geranium oil, rose oil, and citronella oil. It appears as a colorless liquid with a sweet, pink floral aroma. This compound is widely used in the perfumery and cosmetics industry for its pleasant fragrance that provides floral and fruity notes to aromatic compositions. In addition to its use in perfumery, geraniol has insect repellent properties and is used in personal care products, as a mosquito repellent, and as an ingredient in skin lotions and creams. It is also used in the food industry as a natural flavoring. Its versatility and distinctive aroma make it a valuable ingredient in a variety of commercial and consumer products.
CONTAINER:5kg, 25kg and 200kg IBC
White Snow Quartzite
Pallets: 25m2
Thickness: from 2cm to 3cm
CANU is a leading company in the transformation and marketing of Natural Stone, specializing in the execution of high-level architectural and construction projects. Based in Almería, Spain, we have our own quarry, which allows us to fully manage the process of extraction, selection, and transformation of materials, ensuring quality control at every stage. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability sets us apart, enabling us to offer Natural Stone products that meet the most demanding standards of the global market.
At our plant in Macael, we carry out the selection and treatment of materials such as marble, limestone, sandstone, and travertine, used in cladding, facades, flooring, and outdoor projects. Customization is key to our approach: we manufacture tailor-made products such as countertops, shower trays, and natural stone sinks, which add exclusivity and elegance to each project. Additionally, we offer solutions for landscaping and gardening, including paving stones and masonry, ideal for durable and aesthetically impactful outdoor projects.
Multicolor Slab
Other thicknesses: No
Board: No
CANU is a leading company in the transformation and marketing of Natural Stone, specializing in the execution of high-level architectural and construction projects. Based in Almería, Spain, we have our own quarry, which allows us to fully manage the process of extraction, selection, and transformation of materials, ensuring quality control at every stage. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability sets us apart, enabling us to offer Natural Stone products that meet the most demanding standards of the global market.
At our plant in Macael, we carry out the selection and treatment of materials such as marble, limestone, sandstone, and travertine, used in cladding, facades, flooring, and outdoor projects. Customization is key to our approach: we manufacture tailor-made products such as countertops, shower trays, and natural stone sinks, which add exclusivity and elegance to each project. Additionally, we offer solutions for landscaping and gardening, including paving stones and masonry, ideal for durable and aesthetically impactful outdoor projects.
Tiene múltiples utilidades debido a sus propiedades únicas
1. Agricultura y Horticultura: Utilizada como medio de cultivo para plantas, ya que retiene bien el agua y proporciona un entorno aireado para las raíces. También utilizada como cobertura del suelo para mantener la humedad, reducir la erosión y controlar las malezas.
2. Jardineria : Empleada en la fabricación de macetas y cestas colgantes por su capacidad de retener humedad y proporcionar un buen drenaje.
3.Productos Industriales
Cuerdas y Cables: La fibra de coco es resistente y duradera, lo que la hace ideal para la fabricación de cuerdas y cables.
Sacos y Alfombras: Utilizada en la confección de sacos, tapetes, y alfombras, debido a su resistencia y durabilidad.
4.Mallas de control de erosión. Utilizadas en proyectos de estabilización de suelos y protección de taludes.
5. Aislamiento acústico y térmico Utilizada en la construcción por su capacidad para amortiguar el sonido y aislar térmicamente.
Available sizes 60x30x2
Other thicknesses: Yes
Table: Yes
CANU is a leading company in the transformation and marketing of Natural Stone, specializing in the execution of high-level architectural and construction projects. Based in Almería, Spain, we have our own quarry, which allows us to fully manage the process of extraction, selection, and transformation of materials, ensuring quality control at every stage. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability sets us apart, enabling us to offer Natural Stone products that meet the most demanding standards of the global market.
At our plant in Macael, we carry out the selection and treatment of materials such as marble, limestone, sandstone, and travertine, used in cladding, facades, flooring, and outdoor projects. Customization is key to our approach: we manufacture tailor-made products such as countertops, shower trays, and natural stone sinks, which add exclusivity and elegance to each project. Additionally, we offer solutions for landscaping and gardening, including paving stones and masonry, ideal for durable and aesthetically impactful outdoor projects.
Calcium acetate is a calcium salt derived from acetic acid, notable for its white or crystalline powder appearance and its solubility in water. This compound is mainly used as an anticoagulant agent in the treatment of hyperphosphatemia, a common condition in patients with chronic kidney disease, as it helps reduce phosphate levels in the blood by forming insoluble compounds that are eliminated from the body. In addition, calcium acetate is used in the food industry as a stabilizer and preservative, as well as in the production of vinegar from acetic acid and as a precursor in the synthesis of other chemical products. Its versatility and effectiveness in various applications make calcium acetate a valuable compound in multiple fields, from medicine to the food industry.
CONTAINER:5kg, 25kg and 200kg IBC